Hawthorn's hues highlight nature's nuances
Above: hawthorn blossom has been exceptionally abundant this spring.Above: the bounty has burst forth unabated with the bonus, it seems on a grander scale than in previous years, that the white petals have become infused with a rosy hue. In the foreground is cow parsley, also known as Queen Anne's lace. Gardening broadcaster Monty Don describes hawthorn blossom and cow parsley as an incomparable combination.
Above: in some spectacular incidences hawthorn's delicate pink floral tentacles have matured into crimson.
The spectacle adorning our field hedgerows is far from over with the showy froth of rowan (above) still adding to the visual and sensory delights. And about to unfold in another riotous radiance is the heady creaminess of elder flowers
Above: conifers are also having a field day, as can be seen from this pine loaded with emerging cones. Silsden is truly blessed with its treescapes, many of them within swift and easy walking distance of the built environment. We should all be charged with the duty of ensuring that local youngsters grow up to understand, to love and to protect the countryside.