Friday 6 May 2022

Green Party's countryside campaigner Caroline Whitaker captures Craven Ward seat from the Tories

The Green Party's Caroline Whitaker, pictured above, toppled the Tories to win a local seat at City Hall in the Bradford district council elections on May 5th. With 2,713 votes, Caroline had a majority of 213 over Tory Councillor Rebecca Whitaker, who was seeking re-election. Caroline, who lives in Silsden, is well-known as a community activist for Green causes. She also co-founded four years ago the Silsden Campaign for the Countryside, which opposes plans to build houses on the fields between Brown Bank Lane and Hawber Cote. The threats to Silsden from over-development were a major issue raised with Caroline by voters. Caroline is pictured, after her victory, in the fields she has pledged to defend.